Consumers’ Research launches ‘Woka-Cola’ campaign targeting the company for hypocrisy

Consumers’ Research executive director Will Hild explains how the organization is calling out ‘woke’ companies in a new initiative.

Consumers’ Research, an educational nonprofit dedicated to consumer information, on Thursday launched a number of new advertising efforts targeting Coca-Cola over its “woke” political narratives.

The new efforts – which include an ad that will air in Atlanta, a new website called and mobile billboards attached to trucks that will drive around Coca-Cola’s headquarters, its museum and the Georgia State Capitol over the next 28 days – are part of the nonprofit’s ongoing, seven-figure ad campaign targetting “woke” companies.

“Today, we are launching and the accompanying ads as a satirical reminder to Coke to focus on their consumers, not woke politicians,” Will Hild, executive director of Consumers’ Research, told FOX Business in a statement Thursday.

The ads highlight Coca-Cola’s…

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