County Council overrides veto of Silver Spring Business Development District | WDVM25 & DCW50

MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Md. (WDVM) — In an 8 to 1 vote, the Montgomery County Council overrode County Executive Marc Elrich’s veto of a bill that creates a Silver Spring Business Improvement District.

In July, the council passed this bill for the Downtown Business Improvement District or “BID” to revive the business community by providing professional marketing.

But County Executive Marc Elrich vetoed the bill and proposed a different structure called the Silver Spring Urban District that he says meets the county’s racial equity goals.

Councilmember Will Jawando was the only vote “no” because he says there needs to be more diversity and small businesses need more representation.

“It also has not fulfilled its potential, the retail environment could be stronger,” said Councilmember Hans Riemer. “I think and a lot of us think that Silver Spring has outgrown its government management.”

Following the veto, the…

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