Letter: Europe’s draft digital rules threaten small businesses

As a small-business owner, I am disturbed by the contention of the head of the German competition watchdog Andreas Mundt that the proposed Digital Markets Act is not tough enough on large technology companies (Report, July 15). The DMA already fails to consider small businesses like mine that achieve success because we use affordable (and sometimes free) digital tools provided by Google and Facebook. Why would politicians raise new barriers to small businesses who want to avail of the widely used tools that gave companies like mine a lifeline during Covid-19?

My business teaches women and girls to build furniture. I was about to start teaching in-person classes in 2020 when the pandemic forced everyone into lockdown. Fortunately, I was able to start my business online hosting classes via Zoom and Facebook Live, using Google, YouTube, Instagram and Pinterest as digital marketing platforms that help me as a businesswoman reach beyond my local…

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