Mandate or not, 6 in 10 small-business owners to require vaccination

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Businesses with more than 100 employees will be required to vaccinate their workforce under the Biden administration’s recent mandate. Most smaller businesses will follow suit, according to a new survey from

The viewpoint of Yungi Chu, owner of Headset Plus, is typical of many small-business owners. “Now that the vaccine has been FDA approved, I am requiring all my employees to be vaccinated,” he said. “Unless an employee has a medical reason why they cannot, it will not be an option. It’s the only way to keep every employee safe in the office and warehouse.”

Among the survey findings:

The majority of small businesses will require vaccination. Fitty-nine percent of respondents said vaccination will be mandatory, while 23 percent said they were at least considering it. Just 19 percent of the small business owners said they would not require new hires to be vaccinated.

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