NY man sues Columbia Business School over decades-old MBA snafu

A Greek-American newspaper publisher has sued the Columbia Business School over a clerical snafu that prevented him from getting his MBA in the 1970s — a technical error he only discovered more than 40 years later.

Antonis Diamataris embarrassingly had to step down from a job in the Greek government after the mix up came to light three years ago, according to a Greek news report.

Diamataris is now demanding that the Ivy League school rectify the situation by giving him his sheepskin, court papers show.

“Columbia has breached that contract by refusing to confer the MBA degree even as it admits that Mr. Diamataris satisfied all of Columbia’s academic requirements for the degree,” said the news honcho’s Manhattan Supreme Court lawsuit, which was filed Wednesday.

Diamataris, who is the publisher for daily Greek newspaper the National Herald, says the issue went back to a problem with his 1974 bachelor’s degree from…

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