Restaurants feel the inflation crunch. They want more federal aid

Inflation is on the rise throughout the country, and independent restaurant leaders say many of their businesses will soon be forced to permanently shut down unless they receive more federal aid from Congress.

“Every increase in food prices really throws them for a loop,” says Erika Polmer, executive director of the Independent Restaurant Coalition, a group of more than 100,000 local chefs and restaurant owners that formed last year to advocate for their industry’s pandemic-related needs in Washington.

The price of grains were up 93.8% in June when compared to the same period a year ago, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest Product Price Index report released Wednesday. Beef and veal prices have surged 41.4% year over year after shooting up 5.6% in May and 10.5% the month prior. Shortening and cooking oil prices were up 34.8% between June 2020 and June 2021. Gas prices were also up 45.1% last month when compared to the same period a…

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