Tattoo, Piercing Shops See Huge Spike in Business As Pandemic Subsides

  • Tattoo and piercing studios are seeing a swell of customers as the pandemic subsides.
  • Shop owners told Insider they’re seeing lines out the door and they’ve had to turn customers away.
  • They attribute the surge to clients wanting to memorialize lost loved ones or to feel alive again.
  • See more stories on Insider’s business page.

Paul Collurafici is busier than he’s ever been in 44 years in the tattoo industry. 

Collurafici is the owner of Tattoo Factory, a piercing and tattoo studio in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood. The shop was closed for about five months during the pandemic — since it reopened, Collurafici estimates he’s seen a 30% spike in customers. 

“We open at 10 in the morning. There’ll be 20 people waiting out front…figuring they could be the first one in,” he told Insider. 

Tattoo and…

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