The big business of public education

COEUR d’ALENE — Three district superintendents spoke Tuesday to the Coeur d’Alene Regional Chamber of Commerce about the business of education in Kootenai County.

Heidi Rogers, the chamber board’s chair, emceed the event.

“You guys get it,” Rogers said. “With nearly 25,000 students and 3,000 employees, these guys run a business and let’s not forget that.”

At the chamber’s Upbeat Breakfast, a packed house heard from Dr. Becky Meyer with Lakeland School District, Dr. Shon Hocker from Coeur d’Alene School District, and Dena Naccarato, representing Post Falls School District.

Meyer has served as superintendent for the Lakeland District for the past six years. Overseeing around 4,600 students and 650 full-time employees, it’s no small operation.

“It is a business,” Meyer said.

According to the state, she explained, each student is equal to a number. Noting that the way attendance…

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