The Recorder – Business Briefs: June 11, 2021

Published: 6/10/2021 2:36:49 PM

Franklin First sponsoring office space for GBA

GREENFIELD — Franklin First Federal Credit Union is sponsoring 12 months of office space at Greenspace CoWork for the Greenfield Business Association (GBA).

The office space includes a private desk, unlimited access to a conference room and open seating, a post office box and storage space, according to a Franklin First press release.

“Coworking promotes productive sharing of space and resources with local professionals and organizations,” said Michelle Dwyer, president and CEO of Franklin First Federal Credit Union. “We’re pleased to provide the Greenfield Business Association the opportunity to utilize this fantastic office space right here in Greenfield.”

“We’re thrilled to have the Greenfield Business Association as a long-term member at Greenspace CoWork,” Jeremy Goldsher and Jeff Sauser, co-founders of Greenspace CoWork,…

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