Tim O’Neal: Equality Act is good for business and people (Opinion) | Op-Ed Commentaries

For almost 250 years, the United States has struggled to live up to its ideals of being a nation with “liberty and justice for all.” After the initial declaration that “all men are created equal,” it took many years to establish that the principle extended to women of all races and men of all races.

The nation took some wrong turns over the decades but, gradually, step by step, it has turned toward greater justice and more equality.

Now, in the third decade of the 21st century, we face another essential step to ensure that we live up to our ideals. That next step is for Congress to pass the Equality Act, which would update existing civil rights law to explicitly protect sexual orientation and gender identification.

Treating everyone with respect and without discrimination is part of our corporate culture at Dow and is in line with our values as West Virginians. Dow is committed to maintaining a workplace…

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