Using your personal credit card for business expenses? 5 reasons to reconsider

Although it may be more convenient to use your personal credit card for business expenses, you should be aware of the drawbacks of doing so. (iStock)

Personal credit cards and business credit cards offer similar benefits, such as cashback rewards and travel rewards. Some credit card companies even offer 0% interest rate periods for both types of credit cards.

If you already have a credit card open in your name, it’s probably more convenient for you to put a business expense on it. Why go through the hassle of applying for a new credit card just for your business?

Although it may be easy to put business expenses on your personal card, you may be giving up certain perks that are unique to corporate credit cards. Plus, you may be missing out on some long-term benefits of using a business card instead.

Even if you don’t own a business, you can get a business credit card for your side hustle. If you’re interested in opening a credit card, visit an…

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