As business owners question King Street’s future, city considers ‘improvement district’ | Charleston SC

Charlestonians are asking questions about King Street. 

Both a literal and figurative center of the Charleston peninsula, King Street is seen by many as one of the city’s most valuable assets: a long stretch of historic structures and businesses that attracts millions of people each year.

But some property and business owners feel the district needs a vision for the future, especially after the tough year retailers and restaurants experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Some feel the street should be safer and cleaner and that the private sector should have a better way to communicate concerns — and ideas for improvement — with the city. 

In response, city officials are in the early stages of trying to create what is known as a business improvement district, which would generate additional property tax revenue for marketing, special events, beautification projects, public safety enhancements and business…

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