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Prevented-planting policy updated

Agricultural producers with crop insurance may hay, graze or chop cover crops for silage, haylage or baleage at any time and still receive 100 percent of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s prevented-planting payment. Previously cover crops could only be hayed, grazed or chopped after Nov. 1, otherwise the payment was reduced by 65 percent.

The USDA’s Risk Management Agency added flexibility as part of an effort to encourage producers to use cover crops. Cover crops are especially important on fields prevented from planting because they help reduce soil erosion and boost soil health, the USDA stated.

The Risk Management Agency recognizes that cover crops aren’t planted as an agricultural commodity but rather with conservation benefits as the main benefit. For the 2021 crop year and beyond the agency won’t consider a cover crop planted following a prevented planting claim to be a…

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