Business owners optimistic following first weekend without COVID-19 restrictions

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) – This past weekend was a big milestone for businesses in this pandemic—it was the first weekend they could open at 100% capacity, without masking required.

Some owners said it’s starting to feel like normal, but they might need time to ramp up to that 100% capacity.

“To go from where we were and then I talk about it, all the adapting and changing and everything we had to do throughout the times, the shutdown in December and now to finally be ‘wide open’ is a good feeling,” said Graham Waller, co-owner of Winchell’s.

For over a year, Graham Waller has been preaching patience and optimism.

“Adapt, get through the issue. We know it’s going to end. That’s the one thing we knew, it was going to end and when it did end people wanted our product thankfully,” Waller said.

For the last five weeks Waller says the customers have been coming back.

“It’s been a good five weeks that we’ve been feeling it and then this…

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