Carthage Chamber to host business awards dinner | Jefferson County

CARTHAGE — Jason O’Meara, fire chief, repairman and Business Person of the Year, will be feted during the upcoming Business Awards Dinner hosted by the Carthage Area Chamber of Commerce.

After not being able to hold the dinner last year, the chamber is hosting the 2021 Business Awards dinner Oct. 19, with cocktails at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6 at Belva’s Sahara Restaurant, 39936 Route 3.

Cost of the turkey or haddock dinner is $25 and reservations may be made by calling 315-493-3590 or emailing

Nominated by Teri L. Ellis, Mr. O’Meara was touted as a “born leader,” “professional” and “a very fair person.”

Mrs. Ellis said the nominee “has earned the respect of the many people … and his attention to detail is second to none.”

In her position of secretary-treasurer of the…

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