Chicago neighborhood businesses agree: We need ‘Chi Biz Strong’ | Letters

Small businesses are the lifeblood of our community. They deliver the vibrancy and character that make Chicago’s neighborhoods so unique while also bringing jobs and economic opportunity where they are needed most.

As local chambers of commerce, we are on the ground with small business owners listening to their needs and working hard to help them succeed.

Needless to say, the past 15 months have been a nightmare for the small businesses in our communities. Though local businesses rose to the challenge of the pandemic, we lost too many, and many more are on the brink of survival right now.

SEND LETTERS TO: Please include your neighborhood or hometown and a phone number for verification purposes. Letters should be approximately 350 words or less.

Without immediate action to jumpstart new businesses and stabilize existing ones, we fear the recovery ahead will be long, painful and uncertain. Therefore, on behalf of local…

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