CNN Business Nightcap: Someone spent $28 million to go to space but they’re bailing because they’re busy

We’ve got yet another mega-billionaire’s private space mission to look forward to next week, and already there’s some pre-flight drama.

The passengers on Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin trip were set to include Jeff himself, his brother, an 82-year-old pilot named Wally Funk, and an anonymous bidder who put up $28 million for a seat.

But that mystery cadet is backing out last-minute, Blue Origin said, because of “scheduling conflicts.” (OK, really though? You couldn’t clear the deck for one day to go to space? We’re not buying it.)


That person’s loss is a Dutch teenager’s gain. The seat will be filled by Oliver Daemen, an 18-year-old recent high school graduate from the Netherlands, who’ll become the youngest person ever to go to space. (That’ll be one helluvan icebreaker at your first college party, Oli.)

Blue Origin wouldn’t disclose what Daemen paid for the seat. But a person familiar with the matter said the ride was purchased for him…

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