Experts discuss issues in minority business development

UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. – On Nov. 30, leading entrepreneurs and scholars from across the legal and business fields participated in a live, online discussion titled “Perspectives on Minority Business Development.” Attendees received a free, crash course on the issues facing minority business owners in the United States, including insights from those who have navigated the obstacles first-hand, and suggestions for how to move forward to address racism and inequality in the business sector.

“Perspectives on Minority Business Development” was co-chaired by Samuel C. Thompson Jr., professor and Arthur Weiss Distinguished Faculty Scholar at Penn State Law in University Park, and Sabrina Conyers, partner at McGuire Woods in Charlotte, North Carolina.

“It was a great pleasure for me to have been the professor for the Minority Business Development course at Penn State Law this semester; and it was a real honor to work with Sabrina Conyers in planning…

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