For San Antonio Spurs’ Doug McDermott, basketball is the family business

Throughout the early 2000s, Greg and Theresa McDermott always had the most pristine driveway in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Their youngest son Doug made sure of it.

To get shots up in the dead of winter in the heartland, a basketball-crazed 10-year-old had to first don a coat, scarf and gloves, grab a shovel and clear his impromptu court of snow.

“My friends thought I was crazy,” Doug McDermott remembers now. “But if you wanted to shoot, that’s what you did.”

From those frigid early days in Cedar Rapids sprang one of the hottest shooting hands in the NBA.

McDermott signed a three-year, $42 million deal to join the Spurs in August, with the hope he will help boost a 3-point attack that was the least prolific in the NBA last season.

It is a good bet he will. The son of a college basketball coach, McDermott has been shooting a basketball for about as long as he could…

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