Governor honors businesses for longevity

By Herald Staff

Gov. Eric J. Holcomb awarded Wednesday 101 Indiana companies and organizations with the Governor’s Century or Half Century Business Award in recognition of each company’s longevity and service to its employees, community and the state.

Local 2021 Century Award honorees include: Ferdinand News, 115 years in Dubois County; Springs Valley Bank & Trust Company, 119 years in Dubois County.

Local 2021 Half Century Award honorees include: Spencer County Leader, 61 years in Dubois County; TRI-CAP, 55 years in Dubois County; Koch Development Corporation, 76 years in Spencer County.

The Governor’s Century and Half Century Business Awards honor Hoosier businesses that have remained in operation for a minimum of 100 or 50 consecutive years and have demonstrated a commitment to community service. More than 1,160 Indiana companies have been recognized during the awards’ 30-year history.

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