Help coming to Latino businesses

Stanislaus County organizations are coming together to connect Latino Business owners to valuable resources that will assist them in their recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Valley Sierra Small Business Development Center (SDBC), Central Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, and City Ministry Network will host the first of five bilingual informational workshops throughout Stanislaus County at 6 p.m. June 21 at El Campestre Dos Restaurant in Newman. A workshop will be held in Turlock at 6 p.m. June 22 at the Salvation Army, 893 Lander Ave.

The need arose after the Valley Sierra SBDC and City Ministry Network visited several Latino businesses throughout the county to conduct a business needs assessment and assist with Covid-19 business relief grants. The workshops are designed to have a greater impact by directly addressing the needs as a result of the responses to the assessment.

“Many locally owned Latino restaurants that were spoken to did…

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