Inbox: It’s an experience business

Stan from (I’m not publishing this fake town in), FL

Nice try, Ted from Kiewicz, NV. I thought it sounded strange, so I googled it. Can’t find any town or village in Nevada with that name listed. Wes/Mike: Do you guys check out locations where question-askers are from, before publishing their locations?

I always do. In this case, however, I didn’t want to admit Kiewicz doesn’t actually exist because I want to believe it does. I want to believe!

Michael from Weston, Ontario

I was checking out your infographic on Packers jerseys, the 1922-1924 jersey would be a whole lotta fun. Any update on the third jersey? Or is it still on double-secret probation?

I have nothing to add to what Spoff wrote yesterday, but please Michael, tell me more about Weston, Ontario. Sounds like a lovely place.

Kyle from West Valley City, UT

Hey Wes, this Ainsworth Spofford business came up from a question I…

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