Independence school board happy to attend to routine business after pandemic year

INDEPENDENCE, Ohio — With a successful, yet surreal 2020-21 school year in the books, the Independence Board of Education got to work Wednesday (June 30) on a number of routine measures for the upcoming school year.

The board unanimously approved a pair of contracts with Quadstar Digital Guidance for technical support services. A portion of the $90,000 cost will be reimbursed by the state.

The Berea-based company assists with device management, broadband, servers and other aspects of the digital world.

“They do a great job. They’re one of our better third-party service providers,” said Superintendent Ben Hegedish.

The board also unanimously approved contracts for liability insurance with Liberty Mutual and Todd Associates as part of the Ohio Schools Council Insurance Program, a statewide cooperative that works to keep costs in check for affiliated school districts.

In addition, board members unanimously approved student handbooks for the upcoming…

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