LA County supervisors provide aid to small businesses, their landlords – Daily News

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted Tuesday, June 22, in support of a motion that would establish some protections for small business owners and set a $10-million fund to compensate their landlords.

The motion, brought forward by Supervisors Holly Mitchell and Supervisor Hilda L. Solis, directs several Los Angeles County officials, including the Chief Executive Officer, the Chief Information Officer, the Director of the Department of Consumer and Business Affairs, the Director of the Los Angeles County Development Authority and County Counsel to report back in 45 days with the estimated number of commercial COVID-19 rental debt owed by small business tenants.

The motion also calls County Counsel to report back with language options for an ordinance the county can adopt that would be aligned with existing protections under the eviction moratorium, which was earlier extended by supervisors through Sept. 30.

Landlords are going…

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