Libertyville to offer $500 business grants to offset pandemic costs

Libertyville will be offering $500 grants to as many as 200 businesses to help offset costs associated with the coronavirus pandemic.

The business stabilization grant program will be funded with $100,000 from the pending federal American Rescue Plan. Notification and application measures to roll out the program are being formalized now so the process flows smoothly when funding becomes available later this summer.

Program details and applications will be made available on the village website. Advertising through social media and other channels is planned.

“We don’t want to precede (the arrival of funding) too much,” said Heather Rowe, the village’s economic development coordinator.

The village later this summer expects to receive $1.25 million as the first installment of its share of federal funding for state and local governments. An equal amount is expected next year.

Uses for the money…

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