Local business adds another layer of protection for TAC team with bulletproof vest donation

WATERLOO, Iowa (KWWL) — Waterloo Police’s Tactical team received a donation of 28 bullet proof vests from local business, American Pattern.

Imagine after years of wearing many versions of steel and ceramic plates, you get to put on a bullet proof vest that only weighs four pounds per plate, and can still stop even a rifle’s bullet.

Waterloo PD sees a lot of handgun and rifle violence, so these ballistic plates will serve its purpose in stopping a rifle’s .223 round, an AK-47, and a .308 marksman sniper type rifle. In the past, the department’s supply of bulletproof vests has not been able to stop such a wide-range of bullets.

“But the ones they donated this time has a higher capability of stopping different rounds,” Lt. Steve Bose, Tactical Commander, said. “So, I wanted our tac team to have them because typically when we get called out, we’re dealing with armed individuals.”

And the private donation saved the department,…

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