New Way Refillery helps the Grand valley live sustainably | Business

When Kate Bennett was done with education, she wanted to start a business that gave her purpose.

Bennett, a Ukraine native, has always been passionate about the environment and combating climate change. So, on June 1, she started New Way Refillery, through which she sells environmentally sustainable products and helps customers reduce waste by refilling used plastic containers.

“I’ve always wanted to do my best to help the environment any way I can. It’s why I went vegetarian and it’s why I started this,” Bennett said. “We’re in a climate crisis, look at our landfills; we can’t keep doing this. We need to be more sustainable.”

New Way is a delivery service that allows customers to schedule a time for Bennett to drive her van, with New Way’s logo plastered on the side, to customers’ houses.

Customers then bring out their used…

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