People & Business: June 23

Mid Coast Hospital center meets gold standard

The Addiction Resource Center in Brunswick is among nine Maine behavioral health organizations that met Gold Star Standards of Excellence Behavioral Health.

The program of the MaineHealth Center for Tobacco Independence’s Breathe Easy initiative recognized efforts to address tobacco use and secondhand smoke exposure. Celebrated organizations received a plaque for their achievements in advancing their campus smoke and tobacco-free policies and promoting tobacco-free lifestyles. This was the fifth year the Addiction Resource Center participated in the initiative.

Portland Community Squash staff members Barrett Takesian, Maggie Holdorf, Paul French, Curtis Simoneau and Sarah Stickney accept a $30,000 donation from Melissa Rock, marketing and communications officer VP at Norway Savings Bank, which is a gold sponsor of the nonprofit. Contributed / Norway Savings Bank

Giving back

Several local businesses…

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