South San ISD students earn money, learn business skills on Lemonade Day

At Roy P. Benavidez Elementary School Thursday, students watched for potential customers in the shade of an awning, while simultaneously checking their supplies of ice, cups, straws, and Jumex juice. As soon as a car entered the parking lot, they excitedly announced the arrival of a customer and got into position.

Every student had a job. One filled the small plastic cups with ice, while another poured the Hawaiian Punch. Another student asked customers if they preferred a slice of fresh lemon or strawberry in their beverages and — for a San Antonio twist — added a splash of chamoy. The finishing touch was a colorful, bendy straw and a bottle of Jumex juice. It all cost $4.

Benavidez Elementary was one of three South San Antonio Independent School District campuses where elementary students operated lemonade stands Thursday as part of Lemonade Day, a global youth entrepreneurship program that teaches leadership and business skills. The 100…

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