The investor who incorporates altruism into the business model

The greatest truths are the simplest

SHANGHAI, June 23, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The concept of altruism has been part and parcel of all civilizations since prehistoric times when man still adorned himself with animal skins to today when we find ourselves surrounded by the most advanced technologies. The concept is the basis for many a book, proverb and folk tale that has come into existence and entered the mainstream ever since man could first speak or write.

To cite a few examples, the Chinese parable “Heaven’s Spoon”, the story of Noah’s Ark in the Bible, the traditional Chinese morality behind “Suffering loss brings blessings”, the Buddhist mantra “To help others is to help yourself”, and the story of the blind man walking at night carrying a lamp…

The importance of helping one another and the concept of altruism has been passed down through the generations. In the world of business, altruism is even more important: examine your own willingness to be…

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