Two new Bellefonte businesses awarded funds for marketing efforts | News, Sports, Jobs

Kate Walker of Good Will Goddess Books is shown.

BELLEFONTE — Two winners of the annual SpringBoard Startup Challenge in Bellefonte have been awarded a combined $3,000 in prizes to execute a marketing plan that will help to “spring” their business into action.

Each year, SpringBoard, Bellefonte’s downtown coworking and community space, awards monetary prizes to individuals that present a captivating and attainable marketing plan that will leverage their new business. Entries are then reviewed by a panel of judges, made up of Downtown Bellefonte Inc. board and committee members as well as local marketing professionals. Aspiring entrepreneurs, solopreneurs or business owners that have been in business for under three years, local to Centre County communities, are eligible to apply.

SpringBoard is part of an economic development initiative by Downtown Bellefonte Inc. which aims to attract and retain businesses in downtown Bellefonte…

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