U.S. associate administrator: Broadband significant to small businesses | News, Sports, Jobs

-Messenger photo by Chad Thompson

Julia Dannen, owner of D & S Services in Mason City, left, adjusts her glasses during a visit with Mark Madrid, associate administrator in the Office of Entrepreneurial Development at U.S. Small Business Administration during the Inclusivity Challenge Kickoff Event hosted by America’s Small Business Development Center Iowa Wednesday at the Bioscience and Health Science Building on the main campus of Iowa Central Community College.

When small business owner Julia Dannen immigrated to the United States from Russia in 2004, she had no college education or set career path.

But after moving from New York to Iowa, she put herself through college and started her own tax business.

In 2021, Dannen was named the Deb Dalziel Woman Entrepreneur Achievement Award winner by the state Small Business Development Center.

One of the things she was successful at was helping her clients in the Mason City area gain access to Paycheck…

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