UK views on Georgia climate, business, connected coastlines

Southeast British Consul General Andrew Staunton visited Savannah this week to meet with Savannah Mayor Van Johnson, World Trade Center Savannah and other local groups to discuss Brexit, economic development, climate change and more. He spoke Tuesday, June 15, 2021, to the Savannah Council of World Affairs and The Learning Center at Senior Citizens Inc. 

Kayla Guilliams, reporting fellow at The Current, sat down with Staunton to discuss climate change ahead of the November United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland, which will bring together world leaders to accelerate action towards the goals laid out in the 2016 Paris Agreement.

The interview has been edited slightly for clarity. 

Guilliams: Thanks again for sitting down and speaking with me. How would you describe your role here in the Southeast for readers who may be unfamiliar?

Staunton: I’m the British Parliament representative based in Atlanta…

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