Village, business manager trade accusations over American flag controversy

A dispute between a Prairie Grove business owner and the village about its temporary sign ordinance has turned into a controversy over the American flag.

Gianelli’s manager Terry Trobiani said the village unfairly ticketed the restaurant for having American flags outside of the establishment. But village officials said the issue is Trobiani’s placement of the flags on the Route 176 right-of-way, not the flag itself.

The dispute led to protests July 17 and Thursday, organized by McHenry County Republican Party Secretary Karen Tirio, who heard about the situation from a Facebook friend.

“To me, (the flag is) honoring your veterans and all the people who fought for the very right to fly our flag,” Tirio said.

But the version of events Trobiani has publicized is a distorted version of what happened, the village said in an almost three-page news release published to its website.

“Trobiani has…

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