Why Passions Are Key To A Healthy Business

A rare silver lining to the pandemic is that we have been given a unique opportunity to nurture creative pursuits. Surplus time (often spent at home) and a drastic reduction in social activities, have led to people across the globe acquiring new skills and honing ones-of-old. Books have been written, cakes have been baked, and instruments have been learnt (but rarely mastered). As the world returns to normality, with the revival of commutes and in-person gatherings, employers face an opportunity. If they encourage staff to keep up these newfound or resurrected hobbies, their workforces will flourish.

1932, Professor Albert Einstein playing his violin.

Bettmann Archive

Every business leader should not just want to employ happy workers. Every business leader that understands the link between happiness and productivity needs to employ happy workers. A study by the University of Warwick in Britain found that happier individuals are 12% more…

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