Women in Business: Laura Kellams

Residence: Fayetteville

Education: B.A., journalism, University of Arkansas

Professional background: Kellams joined AACF as its first NWA director in 2008. In this role, she works to call attention to challenges facing children and to build support for policy solutions. Before that, she was a newspaper reporter for 15 years, mostly covering politics and government for the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. She also spent time on the staff of the U.S. Senate Finance Committee as part of the American Political Science Association’s Congressional Fellowship Program.

What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishments or wins in your current job? We advocate for public policy changes that can improve the health and opportunities for children in Arkansas. The best win I worked on personally was the extension of ARKids First health insurance for Arkansas children who were born in the Marshall Islands. I worked on it for seven years, with bipartisan…

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